Bualuang Smart Bill Payment

Bill Payment Service real time notification on payment confirmation 

Digital Signature Token Structure


The signature token follows the standard JSON Web Token format RFC 7519 contains the
following claims (elements)

Digital Signature token


Claim Description Example
typ Type JWT
alg Algorithm RS256
Body Claim  API Request Payload / API
Response Payload
API JSON Request Payload/API JSON
Response Payload
(Expiration Time)
Now + 1 Day (timestamp) 1655995873
(Issued At) Claim
Time to create token
(JWT ID) Claim
UUID ba7544f4-a7c5-4362-8009-51f1ab25


Verify Token Signature

RSASHA256(base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +base64UrlEncode(payload),Public key,Private key)

Guide to generating certificate for JWT Signature: 

  1. Generating a Private Key (Used for signing digital signatures.) :
    openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private_key.pem 2048 
  2. Generating a Public Key (Used for validation digital signatures.):
    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

For production, it is not recommended to use the self-sign certificate.

POST Smart bill notification (BBL > Merchant system)

API Initiator: Bank's System (BBL)
Web Services: RESTful JSON
Character encoding: UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic Authentication Format: Basic (Base64Encode(Username:Password))

Smart bill payment notification


Request Header

No. Parameter Type Size Description Example/Values
1 Authorization string 100 Basic authentication Token encode with Base64 String = [client_id] : [client_secret] Basic [Token] Basic c3FIOG9vSGV4VHoAyg5 T1JvNnJoZ3ExaVNyQW w6WjRsanRKZG5lQk9q UE1BVQ
2 Signature string - Digital Signature sign with JWT RSA256 detail in Digital Signature Token Structure  
3 Request-Ref string 20 Notify request reference (Unique) TXN20171120-0000023
4 Transmit-Date-Time string 29 Response transmit date time with Time zone

Request Body

No. Parameter Type Description Example/Values
1 data Object Object of Request Data  

Data Object

No. Parameter Type Size Mandatory Description Example/Values
1 billerId string 15 Y TaxId and Suffix of the Payee  123456789012345
2 transDate string 10 Y

Transaction date 


3 transTime  string 8 Y

Transaction Time  HH:mm:ss 

4 termType string 2 Y

Terminal Type (Channel) 

10 –IVR 

20 -KIOSK 

30 -ATM 

40 -EDC/POS 



70 -CDM 


5 amount string 16 Y Payment amount = 13 digits + . + 2 decimal 
Ex. xxxx.xx 
6 reference1 string 30 Y

First Reference number of the transaction from Partner 

7 reference2 string 30 N

Second Reference number of the transaction from Partner 

8 reference3 string 30 N

Third Reference number of the transaction from Partner 

9 fromBank string 3 Y

From bank code. Right-aligned. Left-padded with zeros. 

10 fromBranch string 6 N From branch code.  0123
11 fromName string 50 N Payer name Eng/Thai(UTF-8)  ITTest 
12 bankRef string 25 N BBL reference  2022101914273423001321408 
13 approvalCode  string 6 N   123456
14 txnType string 1 N

“C”: payment transaction  

“D”: payment was cancelled/deleted 

15 retryFlag string 1 Y

Notification retry flag 

“Y” for retry/resend message 

“N” for original message 


Example request




Response Header

No. Parameter Type Size Description Example/Values
1 Signature string 100 Digital Signature sign with JWT RSA256 detail in Digital Signature Token Structure   
2 Request-Ref  string 30 Notify request reference (Unique)  TXN20171120-0000023 
3 Transmit-Date-Time  string 29

Response transmit date time with Time zone format:  ‘yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS+07:00’ 


Response Body

No. Parameter Type Size Mandatory Description Example/Values
1 responseCode string 3 Y Response Code 0000
2 responseMsg string 50 Y Response Message success

Example Response




Response Code

Status Code Message Code Message Remark
200 052 Unknown Biller ID  Invalid Biller ID 
401 - Unauthorized Authorization fail. 
200 211  Invalid format Signature  Header in Response not have Signature 
200 215 Invalid Token  Decode payload in JWT token not equal response payload 
200 000 Success Response success 
200 054 Internal System Unavailable  Response of business backend 
200 210 Time out  Time out 
200 211 Invalid Data  Invalid business data 
200 341 Service Provider not ready  Partner system error 
200 888 Other Error  -


HTTP Error Response Codes


HTTP Status Code Response Phrase
200 Success
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
400 Bad Request
404 Resource not found
429 Too many requests
500 Internal Error
503/504 Service Unavailable